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The Wavelength

Berry Refresher Mocktail

When you need a boost of energy and a little more brain power, but you're also feeling those happy hour vibes, this Berry Refresher has you covered!

Unlike your typical mocktail, this Berry Refresher features Blueshift Energy + Focus to recharge your batteries and keep your head in the game. And, instead of the usual club soda, or sparkling water, this bubbly mocktail gets its fizz from healthy, gut-loving berry kombucha.

With the addition of Energy + Focus, you get a smooth, jitter-free lift thanks to green tea and guarana, energizing B Vitamins, amino acids and plant based nootropics. Plus a boost of healthy antioxidants. Berry refreshing indeed!


  • 2 oz. Energy + Focus pod
  • 2 oz. berry kombucha
  • ½ lime


  • Pour Energy + Focus pod into a 14 oz. of water, stir and set aside
  • Get a short glass with a big ice cube
  • Add Energy + Focus blend
  • Add berry kombucha
  • Squeeze half of a lime into the glass

Serve & enjoy!

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